• Professional Laundry Service in Red Lion, Pennsylvania

  • Multiple Laundry Packages to suit your needs

About Service

Laundry Packages

Our laundromat has a variety of machines to suit your washing needs that are efficient and easy to use. 

Laundromat near Red Lion, PA

18 Top Load 10lb Washers

Laundromat near Red Lion, PA

18 Front Load - 15lb Washers

Laundromat near Red Lion, PA

8 - 35lb front load washers

Laundromat near Red Lion, PA

24 Dryers 28 minutes

Laundromat Services

Our laundry services to make your life easier. Their laundromat machines are efficient and easy to use. You can drop off your laundry for them to take care of or use their self-service machines if you prefer to do it yourself. Their friendly staff is always on hand to assist you if you need any help.

Efficient & Easy to Use
Variety of Options
Affordable Prices